Now that we have ASDM installed here are some quick tips. Finally, copy the contents of the windows demo folder into this folder. Navigate to /Applications/ASDM/Cisco ASDM-IDM.app/Contents/Resources/Java/demo On your MAC, open the folder the launcher app is in (usually applications\Cisco) and right click on the launcher app. Next, Copy the Demo folder contents from C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\ASDM to your MAC. First, On your MAC install the ASDM launcher by connecting to an ASA via a web browser and clicking install launcher. Here is how you get it to work on a MAC running Lion: It is more of a hack, but a useful one for those (like me) that don't like to run fusion on their MACs. This is not something supported by Cisco or found in there docs. Which brings me to another ASDM secret, demo mode is designed for windows but will also work on MACs. All in all ASDM demo mode gives you the experience of configuring and monitoring a live ASA. The ASDM demo mode even models event logs. Demo mode provides you with several configuration types to choose from so you can make it pretend to be an ASA FW or a ASA FW with IPS or a ASA with SSLVPN, etc. Once installed, ASDM can then be used in a offline demo mode on a windows or mac computer. This will take you to where you will need to download the ASDM demo. To enable it, check the box and click on the link it provides. Second, you see that cool "run in demo mode" checkbox? This can be a very handy feature and is available to everyone. First, to get the MAC launcher working you must install it directly from your ASA using a web browser. You fill out the info and away you go.Ī few secrets about ASDM launcher. Once launched it will look like the below image. The ASDM launcher works for both Windows and MAC OSX (requires ASDM version 6.4.5 or later). I highly recommend ASDM launcher as the way to go. You can then run it inside a browser or download the ASDM launcher so it runs as its own application on your PC. You can download ASDM from or from your ASA itself. CSM is the tool you would use to manage and share policy across multiple ASA's, routers, and IPS appliances.įirst, installing the tool. Unlike its big brother Cisco Security Manager (CSM), ASDM is made to configure a standalone ASA one at a time. In a nutshell, ASDM will manage all the features of the ASA appliance including FW, IPS and VPN.

If you haven't dealt with it before, ASDM is a free configuration, monitoring and troubleshooting management tool that comes with the ASA. In this blog I'll reveal to you some of my favorite tips, tricks and secrets found inside ASDM. Cisco's Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) is the GUI tool used to manage the Cisco ASA security appliances.